Discourse of civic and national identity Сonstructs of youth self-awareness

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Oksana Sknar


The article discusses the basic constructs of the youth self-awareness resulted from the findings of the empirical research. The constructs are actualized in the communication process and determine student national and civic self-identification. Among the constructs that represent student national self-determination are ethno-cultural affiliation, positive attitudes to one’s political nation, civic and personality subjectity. The youth articulate awareness of their national identity predominantly in the constructs of national feelings, and their civic identity is manifested in the constructs of duties and functions. The self-awareness constructs that determine student civic self-identification are nominal citizenship (formally linked to the place of birth and residentce), ethnocultural attributes, positive emotional attitude to belonging to the community and the state, civic virtues and subjectity. The content of civic identity mainly encompasses meanings associated with authorities and state, and is imbued with the negatively charged emotionally evaluative attitudes of the youth. At the same time, the meanings connected with local and civic communities as well as interaction with other citizens are hardly actualized. In view of the findings presented above the author suggests the following trends of transformation of the student communication practices promoting their self-awareness development: activation of the civic subjectity potential; actualization of individual meanings of civic identity and awareness of the potential of communication practices for self-knowledge and one’s identity construction.


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How to Cite
Sknar, O. (2018). Discourse of civic and national identity: Сonstructs of youth self-awareness . Problems of Political Psychology, 21(1), 139-149. https://doi.org/10.33120/popp-Vol21-Year2018-11