Epistemological possibilities of situation analysis in social forecasting from the point of view of psychological science

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Olena Sushyi


The relevance of the research is determined by the strategic guidelines of the scientific study “Psychological Foundations for Scenario Forecasting of the Social Situation in Ukraine”. The aim of the study is to strengthen the position of social psychology in the field of social forecasting and more actively promote psychological strategies and technologies in forecasting possible states and prospects for the development of the social situation in Ukraine.

The purpose of the article is to clarify the main theoretical and methodological postulates of the situational approach, its role in explaining and predicting social behavior, as well as rethinking the concept of “social situation” as a key category around which the conceptual apparatus of the study is formed.

Methodology and scientific approaches. The research is based on the principles of general scientific methodology and is guided by its principles. The review of scientific publications, their theoretical and methodological conceptualization involved the use of such methods as: analysis, synthesis, deduction, and generalization.

Results. А socio-psychological analysis of the epistemological possibilities of situational issues in the field of social forecasting has shown that the situational context is, at first glance, an invisible layer of socio-psychological research, but it is precisely due to the situational context that the prognostic orientation of the results obtained is more pronounced.

The practical significance of the results. The general vector of further research is determined by the strategic goals of psychological support for social forecasting as a theoretical and practical activity, namely in terms of developing analytical (social and psychological) tools for forecasting variable scenarios for the development of a social situation.


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How to Cite
Sushyi, O. (2024). Epistemological possibilities of situation analysis in social forecasting from the point of view of psychological science. Problems of Political Psychology, 16(30), 36-59. https://doi.org/10.33120/popp-Vol16-Year2024-163
Author Biography

Olena Sushyi, Institute for Social and Political Psychology of the NAES of Ukraine

Doctor of Science in Public Administration, Associate Professor, Chief Researcher of the Department of Methodology of Psychosocial and Political-Psychological Research


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