Strategies of psychological well-being of Ukrainians in interaction with coping strategies in war conditions

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Olena Bohdan


Relevance. At the beginning of the full-scale invasion, most of the population was inspired by the idea of resisting aggression and achieving a victorious peace. By the third year of the active phase of the war, these ideas are insufficient. The idea of building a space of well-being, both personal and collective, is simultaneously attractive and inspiring; it also has a significant body of psychological research in democratic countries.

Purpose of the research – to show the connection between the strategies of Ukrainians for coping with life challenges (coping strategies) and strategies for psychological well-being during the war.

Methodology and scientific approaches. The study of coping strategies among Ukrainians was conducted using the BASIC Ph model (Moodi Lahad) and its corresponding test methodology, “Bridge Over the Abyss.” A total of 4,843 respondents were surveyed between May 2022 and October 2024.

Main results. The factor analysis of the data allowed building a 9-factor model, the first 5 factors of which are consistent with the components of the PERMA model (M. Seligman). This indicates the relationship between coping strategies and psychological well-being strategies. The factor model also highlights destructive manifestations in response to stress – behavioral, emotional, and cognitive imbalance. The difference in psychological well-being strategies for different target groups by gender, age, type of settlement, and professional affiliation is shown.

Conclusions. The conducted research provides grounds to assert the presence of a certain psychological potential of Ukrainians for building personal well-being even in wartime conditions. This potential is associated with their proactive position and involvement in activities. Overcoming the difficulties of war strengthens the existing potential by enhancing, increasing faith in oneself, and the ability to rely on one’s own life meanings.

The prospects for further research and exploration are the study of the possibilities of such influences, dedicated to the psychological culture of life activity, personal dignity, and the ability to build personal well-being.


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How to Cite
Bohdan, O. (2024). Strategies of psychological well-being of Ukrainians in interaction with coping strategies in war conditions. Problems of Political Psychology, 16(30), 60-83.
Author Biography

Olena Bohdan, Institute for Social and Political Psychology of the NAES of Ukraine

PhD in Psychology, Senior Researcher of Department of Psychology of Mass Communication and Media Education


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