Integrative approach to the problems of psychological rehabilitation of soldiers in Ukraine
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Relevance. The psychological rehabilitation of servicemen in the context of military operations in Ukraine requires constant rethinking and flexible responses to contemporary challenges.
Objective of the study – to substantiate the main principles of organizing psychological assistance for military personnel in the context of the current realities of the Russian-Ukrainian war.
Methodology. The work is based on the generalization of domestic and foreign experiences regarding measures aimed at improving and restoring the psychological health of individuals who have experienced war and are adapting to peaceful life.
Results. The results of the theoretical study outline key principles for the effective implementation of the agency of soldiers adapting to civilian life. The integrative approach to psychological rehabilitation includes the following components: the principle of promptness, the principle of psychological screening, the principle of somatotherapy, the principle of attachment, the principle of activity, the principle of improving close relationships, the principle of sociality, the principle of psychological transformation, and the principle of post-traumatic and spiritual growth.
Practical significance. The practical significance of the study lies in developing a comprehensive socio-psychological vision of recreational measures for psychological recovery and rehabilitation of former soldiers, emphasizing the principles of targeted assistance for the post-traumatic growth of the combatant’s personality. It is proposed to create self-supporting communities of comrades under the patronage of the state, inspired by the goals of psychological, social, and spiritual self-recovery for those affected by war.
Prospects for further research involve testing the outlined principles of psychological and social work with servicemen and conducting mathematical and statistical verification of the effectiveness of activities based on these principles.
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