Ukrainian community identities` variability of manifestation in the sphere of media under the influence of war
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Relevance. The prolonged war has left its mark on all aspects of life of Ukrainians and society in general. Transformations in the current conditions are also affecting the community identities of Ukrainians, which are complex and multifaceted by their essence and structure. One of the potential spaces for the manifestation of community identities is the sphere of media, especially its segment realized through the Internet. Therefore, it is important to understand how different types of identities are manifested in this sphere.
The purpose of the study is to identify the manifestations of community identities of Ukrainians in the media sphere.
Methodology. The research methods included an online survey, correlation analysis using Spearman’s rank correlation, descriptive statistics, comparative analysis, interpretation, and generalization of the results.
Main results. Four types of complex identities of Ukrainians were identified. The most common among Ukrainians are the local-civic-professional (LCP) identity (53.7%) and the European-civic-professional (ECP) identity (46.3%), while the local-East Slavic (LES) identity (33.6%) and the East Slavic-religious (ESR) identity (21.9%) are comparatively less represented. The study revealed the manifestations of identities in the sphere of media in the following areas: the expression of civic identity in mass communication, trust in media and social networks, sources of information, the ability to freely express personal opinions in social networks, the supportive potential of media and social networks, the impact of media content and social networks on emotional and psychological well-being, engagement in war-related and political news, interaction with the global community. The research identified the significant role of identity types in Ukrainians’ interaction with the media space, their consumption of information, and their level of social activity in the media.
Practical significance of the results. The identified manifestations of Ukrainian identities can be applied in the development of communication strategies and in counteracting disinformation and propaganda. They also provide insights into areas where potential conflicts or societal consolidation may arise. The further perspective of the study is to explore the interaction of Ukrainian identities in the media sphere.
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