Social cohesion and social identity: interrelations and interactions in the context of the war in Ukraine

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Olha Kukharuk


Relevance. The phenomenon of social cohesion has become especially significant in wartime conditions, as maintaining stable social bonds is critically important for societal unity. The war in Ukraine has caused social, economic, and psychological challenges that threaten social cohesion. The task of preserving social cohesion is crucial not only during the war but also in the post-war period for building a resilient society. It is essential to examine the relationship between social cohesion and social identity to effectively predict social dynamics and develop programs that will support efficient intergroup interaction.

Objective: To analyze the relationship between social cohesion and social identity in wartime conditions and determine how prolonged traumatic stress and collective challenges affect the formation and manifestation of various types of social identity and the level of social cohesion.

Methodology. This article is a review based on theoretical generalizations, analysis of source materials, and results from public opinion surveys and monitoring.

Results. It was found that social cohesion is dynamic and depends on psychological factors that shift under the influence of war. Social identity can play a constructive role, promoting cohesion through shared identity. However, under prolonged traumatic stress and social upheavals, it undergoes changes that intensify intergroup conflicts and increase intergroup isolation. To maintain social cohesion, mutual understanding between different social groups is essential, along with the development of intergroup communication, flexible identities, and constructive contact, grounded in an understanding of the dynamics of social identity change.

Future research directions include conducting qualitative studies that contextualize social cohesion and establish psychological foundations to support societal cohesion.


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How to Cite
Kukharuk, O. (2024). Social cohesion and social identity: interrelations and interactions in the context of the war in Ukraine. Problems of Political Psychology, 16(30), 208-223.
Author Biography

Olha Kukharuk, Institute for Social and Political Psychology of the NAES of Ukraine

PhD. in Psychology, Senoir Researcher


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