Potential of educational influences on civic identification in the state educational policy system
Main Article Content
The relevance of the problem is determined by the need to develop higher education, the focus of which is the activation of democratic values and competencies. This approach requires an analysis of the socio-psychological effects of educational approaches that ensure the democratization of education.
The purpose of the study is to investigate educational influences on the process of civic identification as a conscious civic self-determination of an individual through the ability to subject interaction.
The results. The concept of “democratic competencies” is examined, and its content and value within the state educational policy system are clarified. Democratic competencies are presented as the ability to behave democratically in daily affairs and as an indicator of civic identification. It is established that education based on democratic principles is a key strategy of state educational policy and an indicator of its effectiveness. The study analyzes European and domestic practices of ensuring the democratization of education. The foundation of this model highlights values that enable participation in a culture of democracy and are necessary for the conceptualization of competencies. The democratic competence of an individual is presented as the ability to mobilize and apply psychological resources, particularly the awareness of democratic values. The domestic educational paradigm focuses on a transversal competency-based approach as a process of indirect civic identification.
Conclusions. Civic identification, as a result of purposeful direct and indirect identification, unfolds through, firstly, normative recognition and support for the democratic orientation of the education system, secondly, the peculiarities of educational mechanisms influencing the transversal competency-based approach, and thirdly, through subject-subject civic interaction of participants in the educational process.
Article Details
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