Parents’ competence in the field of mental health as a case of psychoeducational work in a territorial communityexperiencing war trauma
Main Article Content
Relevance. The traumatic events of the war can have a long-lasting impact on the mental health and psychosocial well-being of community members. Therefore, the dissemination of trauma-informed practices among community members is an urgent social task.
The article aims to present the results of a pilot study on enhancing parental competence in mental health, exemplified as a successful case within a war-affected community.
Methodology. The article presents the results of a pilot study of psychological literacy and psychological competencies of parents in the field of mental health, whose children underwent rehabilitation at the Family Centre for Mental Wellbeing ’Your Support’ (Vorzel, Bucha district).
Results. According to the self-reports of the participants of the psychoeducational training, their needs for special psychological knowledge and development of psychological competence in raising, communicating, and supporting children who have experienced the traumatic impact of war were met. Parents learned to make connections between difficult events and possible psychological symptoms, as evidenced by the results of the survey. The positive experience of psychoeducation is presented on the electronic resources of the CF ’Your support’, and the model of acquiring psychoeducation data creates trust and dissemination of positive experience in the community.
Conclusions and Prospects for Further Research. Acquiring relevant psychological knowledge and practical skills on understanding the main symptoms of the negative impact of military operations on child development helps parents become more competent in psychological assistance to themselves and their children, which in turn contributes to the formation of community resilience to stress and crisis situations, creates prerequisites for sustainable improvement of the quality of life of the training participants and the community as a whole. Prospects for the study are to integrate a trauma-informed approach into the field of education, healthcare and social welfare.
Article Details
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