Economic orientations of the youth: semantic structure and regional peculiarities
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Background and purpose. The research on youth economic orientations and their regional differences is determined by the need to broaden the scientific knowledge of the effect of social and cultural factors on economic identity construction. The consideration of the research findings in the educational practice may facilitate the adaptation of the youth to the current economic and general social living condition in a globalized and digitalized society. The purpose of this article is to present the outcomes of the empirical research into economic orientations of the school and university students in different regions of the country and carry out a comparative analysis of the data in order to identify regional peculiarities of the youth economic identity.
Method. The approaches applied to the operationalization of the subject of the study are determined by the following main assumptions: economic choice of a person directly correlates with their identity; self-identification is prior to the external stimuli in the process of economic identity construction; subject’s economic orientations have value-semantic determination. The empirical study on economic orientations of the youth which involved school and university students from western, southern, northern, eastern and central regions of the country, applied psychosemantic and data comparison research methods.
Findings. The empirical research findings provide evidence to support the assumption about the key role of value regulators in economic orientations of the youth. Social value of economic activities turned out to be one of the most informative components in the semantic structure of the school and university student economic orientations, which resulted both from the general and the regional sample data analysis. The regional data sample analysis showed that social value of economic activities is a semantic determinant of the economic orientations of the youth in the north, east and center, while the youth of the western region prioritize economic freedom and independence, and the youth of the south chooses regulation of economic activities.
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