Patriotic content as a manifestation of ethical digital behavior of users in Ukrainian social networks

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Nataliya Cherepovska


Relevance: A critical challenge for Ukrainian society in the third year of the full-scale war is optimizing citizens’ communicative behavior, both in everyday interactions and on social media, where they spend a substantial part of their lives. The article presents the peculiarities of digital behavior mediated by the creation and dissemination of patriotic digital content of different ethical quality.

Objective. To identify trends in various manifestations of ethical digital behavior of users.

Methodological principles. The study was carried out in the context of digital humanism on the principle of the right to freedom of expression and moral responsibility for one’s actions in the digital space. The methods of thematic analysis, systematization of digital content, and its categorization by ethical features were used.

Results of the study. The digital content of patriotic content is analyzed and its most popular types are identified: “images” (graphics, photos) and ’memes’ (images with text, short texts). The graphic and text formats (over 1500 objects) were analyzed. A common feature of the studied formats is identified: their content is presented mainly in the genre of humor. Criteria for the ethics of digital patriotic content are developed and categorized. The main trends in the ethicality of Ukrainians’ digital patriotic behavior in social networks are identified: two-thirds of the analyzed content indirectly indicates their ethical, tolerant behavior; one-third - manifestations of unethical digital behavior.

Prospects for the practical application of the research results are to develop the basic rules of optimal ethical digital agency: the responsibility of the subject for the content of the created/distributed patriotic content and the critical perception of any digital content on social networks.


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How to Cite
Cherepovska, N. (2024). Patriotic content as a manifestation of ethical digital behavior of users in Ukrainian social networks. Problems of Political Psychology, 16(30), 331-371.
Author Biography

Nataliya Cherepovska, Institute for Social and Political Psychology of the NAES of Ukraine

Ph.D. in Psychology, Head of the Laboratory of Psychology of Mass Communication and Media Education


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