International approaches and current national practices to ensuring the inclusivity and role of media-content
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Relevance. Inclusive media influence is an important factor in developing the of a sense of belonging in social groups potentially or actually vulnerable to exclusion. It becomes especially important under conditions of polarization of society related to the impact of wartime, and for strengthening cohesion as a basis for effective post-war recovery.
The objective of the article is to present the concept of inclusiveness and a sense of belonging as significant predictors for social cohesion and to show the role of media content in ensuring them.
Methods. Desk review of the role of media content in strengthening social inclusion in the broader context of developing a sense of belonging, in particular, in vulnerable groups emerged as a result of the wartime in Ukraine.
Results. Inclusivity in communities and a culture of belonging are fundamental needs to be met, and specifically due to appearance of the “newly vulnerable” groups: ex-combatants, former prisoners of war, internally displaced persons, refugees and forced migrants, returnees, survivors of war-related losses/traumas, and others. It is necessary to expand the systemic vision of socio-psychological practices that contribute to overcoming or preventing challenges in various areas, ensuring equality and preventing discrimination. It is important to create an inclusive space, particularly in the digital environment, where each person is safe, feels their own value and respect for themselves, and preserves their identity.
Conclusions and prospects for further research. Creating an inclusive digital space means supporting differences, as well as working with users on how they can be more diversity-friendly, taking into account the amount of content shared online. In the future, it is planned to explore the concept of a sense of belonging, processes of ensuring non-discrimination, and the role of media content.
Article Details
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