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Svitlana Chunikhina


The ‘social inclusion’ concept has been clarified basing on social exclusion interdisciplinary research analysis. The main attention as part of a sociological research focuses on horizontal differentiating the social interaction actors by splitting them into ‘insiders’ and ‘outsiders’. The economic approach to social inclusion problem is based on the barriers elimination means to get an access to resources. As from a philosophical perspective, social inclusion is considered as an opportunity to get a social individual back into active social activities. The psychological research aspects of inclusive education implementation focus primarily on the social and psychological dispositions and emotional reactions of those involved. Three levels of social inclusion development in Ukraine have been identified in the article. The first is called an institutional one. It affects social policy model of the country that maintains the paternalistic attitude of the citizens unchanged, leads to total number of discriminated groups increased as well as fosters competition between them in terms of winning the state support. The second is a societal level and it is related to a rather rigid system of dispositions functioning in public consciousness in terms of standards/atypicality or boundaries between the ‘in’ and ‘out’ groups. The third and the last is a subjective-and-emotional level, which is determined by citizens' emotional response patterns to interact with discriminated groups and individuals. The ‘corporate feelings’ concept is made more specific in the article and is viewed as a reaction to certain events, which are typical for a certain society citizens and appear sustainably in different generations. The study demonstrates that ‘emotions of distancing’ (e.g., fear, anger, disgust) or ambivalent emotions (compassion in combination with aggressive intentions) dominate in Ukrainian society among collective feelings associated with social inclusion processes, while ‘proximity emotions’ (solidarity, trust) are being the shortage. The article shapes out further ways to research modality and dynamics of collective feelings in social inclusion processes, in particular ways to master inclusion-related positive collective emotional experiences.


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Chunikhina, S. (2019). CORPORATE FEELINGS ARE THE FACTOR ESTABLISHING SOCIAL INCLUSION. Problems of Political Psychology, 22(1), 140-152.
Author Biography

Svitlana Chunikhina, ISPP of NAES of Ukraine

Старший науковий співробітник лабораторії психології навчання, кандидат психологічних наук.


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