Main Article Content
The article analyzes the components and manifestations citizenship competence. It provides the rationale for the assumption that citizenship competence development is determined by socio-psychological factors. The author identifies scientific approaches to different modeling of citizenship competence based on 1) the list of competencies included into each model component; 2) the list of competence indicators; 3) identification of competences providing the desired result on different stages of the citizen role performance. Citizenship competence is defined as an integrative characteristic of an individual which is based on qualities (values, motivations, attitudes and identities) and qualification characteristics (ability and readiness) necessary and sufficient to effectively perform the role of a citizen. Citizenship competence cannot be formed on the knowledge and skills base, even if being of the highest level. It is determined primarily by social and psychological factors. The idea about the abilities and readiness to perform the role of a citizen are formed through the development of a set of personal characteristics underlying the author’s approach to constructing the model of citizenship competence presented in the article. In other words, secondary level competencies (abilities and readiness) are provided by the relevant competency configurations of the primary level actualized in different situations. The suggested model can be viewed as an ideal socio-psychological model of citizenship competence, and at the same time it can be operationalized and empirically verified if the indicators are determined. The author puts forward some arguments to support the decisive impact idea over the social environment on citizenship competence development. The environment produces a certain citizenship discourse and supports (or restricts) practices, hence it determines the coordinates of the citizenship interaction space and sets up its norms and rules. So the environment formulates a social order for a certain format of citizenship competence. The author determines functions of the environment favorable for the development of citizenship competence, its features and ways of influence.
Article Details
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