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Oksana Sknar


Having analysed the reference material, some basic research concepts for family interactions were identified and considered as the civil competence development factors among young Ukrainians. The concept uncovers such definitions as the competence, civil interaction competence, family as a system, family climate, parent-and-child interaction, and social environment. The study reveals that civil competence does a synthesizing function, since it is based on mastering key life competencies. However, it is noted that its formation climate is not solely derived from civic education as the family plays the most significant role in this process. The family itself and interrelations between its members are actually the platform to master various attitudes, interaction skills, rules and behavioural norms. All these can either facilitate or hinder the development of civil competence, as the family represents a so-called ‘educational space’ to acquire and master various social interaction competencies. The article provides a wider concept of a family, it suggests any family is being a social system for sustainable interaction among its members whose functioning can contribute to the development of a child's civil competence. The study in the article also justifies an assumption that family interaction features directly predetermine a child's civil competence. The article makes an emphasis on a family climate by considering it as both the conditions and the source to develop social and psychological competencies of any child. The evolving family environment brings together conditions, quality and type of family interaction, thus builds up the solid foundation for self-development, social and psychological competencies acquisition and development. Mastering the above fosters civil competence enhance. An interaction subsystem between parents and children has been analysed, conditions to civil competence development within the family members’ interaction have been identified. These conditions are represented by acceptance, trust, love, safety, and reasonable control.


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Sknar, O. (2019). FAMILY INTERRELATIONS AS THE DRIVER TO FOSTER YOUTH CIVIL COMPETENCE: basic research concepts. Problems of Political Psychology, 22(1), 74-88.


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