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Olga H. Tsukur


The study presents social conflicts management as a process to build up a targeted dialogue space. This approach provides the interacting participants with common boundaries to understand the set issue. It ensures effective commination between various social actors and stage-by-stage social contradictions resolution. Applying a set of cognitive communication tools as holistic communicative and technological algorithms have been justified within this study. Each systematic algorithm provides for building up the interaction between the social actors based on the dialogue and interests equality of everybody involved in this interaction. The mutual understanding can be reached by applying the following procedures one-by-one:  testing the dialogue space; acquiring new knowledge due to the dialogue; the dialogue completion; reflexion of the obtained results. The social environmental (social, cultural and organizational) factors have been identified and described. They can either contribute to or hinder managing social conflicts in various social realities. The criteria to frame acute social problems, such as relevance, negotiability, context, issues, information abundance, and thematic simultaneity have been stated and described. These criteria helped highlight the challenges in communicative and technological conflicts management on different interaction stages. Having analysed both theoretical and practical achievements, the foundation principles such as dialogue participation, priority of interests, and cooperation have been identified for cognitive communication as they contribute to mutual understanding within the dialogue. The study concludes that applying the dialogue space practice provides long-term results in managing social contradictions. In particular, it contributes to forming up the effective strategies for conflict interaction management, spurs triggers activates disseminating social innovation, and mainstreams common creative activities to work out constructive solutions. In the author’s opinion, such issues as improving communicative and technological tools to manage social conflicts in various social realities and searching for conventional conditions for common understanding and overcoming challenges are very promising and top-relevant for further research studies. The range of issues that are promising and relevant for further research includes.


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How to Cite
Tsukur, O. H. (2019). SETTLEMENT OF SOCIAL CONFLICTS BY MEANS OF COGNITIVE COMMUNICATION. Problems of Political Psychology, 22(1), 153-164.


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