Cartographic visualization of place-of-residence nar- rative as a tool for studying spatial identities of the internally diplaced people: the core problem Problem definition
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The transformation of the identities of internally displaced people (IDPs) is an urgent scientific issue, which has several important social, psychological and political aspects.
The issue simultaneously involves traumatization and rethinking of identity due to resettlement and armed conflict, as well as forming of new specific identities, for example, identification as representatives of the “resettlement community”.
Accordingly, the basis for the study of the transformations of identities of internally displaced persons will be both the importance of revealing the essence of this concept for understanding the national identity of Ukrainian citizens, and the need to study the transformation processes that occur here and now, while the conflict is still ongoing and affect the lives of our fellow citizens.
In the research context, spatial identity is defined as person’s feeling of belonging to a certain space, which is formed as a result of the identification process with a certain place and with those practices, rituals and elements of experience that occur in this particular place.
The method of mental mapping is considered as an effective tool for the study of spatial identities, as it has sufficient potential to become the main method for the study of spatial social identities of the IDPs.
Mental maps are quite visualized, have a time reference and an open structure, combine visual and verbal methods of communication.
At the same time, mental mapping is a valid means of exploring spatial representations and can be an effective not only of investigating the identities, but also for reflexive work and transformation of the traumatized identities in the process of interviewing.