Coping collective traumas in the context of Ukraine's integration into european cultural-historical space

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Pavlo Gornostai


The relevance of the topic is related to the full Russian-Ukrainian war, which caused great collective trauma. This requires special means to heal from its consequences. There is considerable experience in acculturation and ritualization of collective traumas, as well as psychotherapeutic aid to victims of traumatization. It is especially valuable in the context of Ukraine's European integration. These results need to be understood and systematically generalized for use in Ukrainian practice.

The purpose of the article: to analyze the experience of social practices of healing collective traumas, as well as the peculiarities, therapeutic possibilities and practical experience of socio-psychological methods, in particular – sociodrama.

Method and methodology: theoretical analysis of historical socio-cultural and socio-political developments of mankind, in the field of processing collective traumas, analysis of the achievements of psychotherapeutic work with collective traumatization, approbation of the theory and experience of sociodrama and other action methods for the Ukrainian reality, connected with the consequences of collective and historical traumas.

The results. Throughout human history, society has used tools to process the consequences of collective trauma. Their essence lies in awareness and emotional processing of traumatic events. These are acculturation practices (mythology, heroic epics, literary and artistic works on the topic of collective trauma) and ritualization of tragic events (remembrance days, anniversaries to express collective grief, mourning, commemoration, canonization of historical figures). Special socio-psychological and psychotherapeutic actions are important to overcome the consequences of collective trauma. Among them, we can single out the sociodrama method, which was created to work with collective traumas and other social problems. The author has developed a number of thematic sociodrama, in particular, in the genre of political sociodrama dealing with current political events, historical sociodrama on key events in Ukrainian history, and others.

Practical significance, conclusions and perspectives. The results of the study provide many opportunities for practical work with collective traumas and their consequences, which can be used for the socio-psychological improvement of Ukrainian society. The use of the described methods, in particular sociodrama, can stop the process of group traumatization, which intensified as a result of the Russian-Ukrainian war, contribute to overcoming its manifestations and the gradual healing of society from the consequences of historical traumas. Our society has all the resources to deal with these problems.


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How to Cite
Gornostai, P. (2022). Coping collective traumas in the context of Ukraine’s integration into european cultural-historical space. Problems of Political Psychology, 11(25), 38-55.
Author Biography

Pavlo Gornostai, Institute for Social and Political Psychology, NAES of Ukraine

Psychology Doctor, Professor, Chief Research Associate, Laboratory of Psychology of Small Groups and Intergroup Relations


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