Social and psychological technologies counteracting stigmatization and support of stigmatized persons
Main Article Content
The urgency of researching the problem of stigmatization and preventing its spread in modern Ukrainian society is determined by the need to develop socio-psychological technologies for counteracting stigma, increasing tolerance for otherness in different social environments, and supporting stigmatized people.
The purpose of the paper. The technological approach to developing a structural-substantive model of creating the technology of counteracting stigma and psychological support of stigmatized people reveals the content and features of the developed technologies depending on the target groups.
Research results. It is s developed the structural-substantive model of creating technology as a particular algorithm of activity for solving tasks to activate collective efforts of counteracting stigma, increase tolerance to otherness in different social environments, and support stigmatized persons. Developing relevant technologies involves group and individual work with different target groups. It is provided by modeling and integrating information and content, diagnostic, correctional, and developmental components of technology, selecting forms, methods, tools, and techniques, and identifying ways to implement. Moreover, it allows its flexible use depending on the tasks, objectives, and characteristics of target groups and the profession and professional experience of those who will carry out such work. As a result, a set of socio-psychological technologies for counteracting stigmatization and supporting stigmatized people is developed. These technologies are specified for the target groups` needs. For example, – activating psychological resources of stigmatized minorities; counteracting stigma in the social environment; increasing the psychological competence of professional communities (psychologists, social educators, teachers, and specialists of non-governmental organizations) to support stigmatized people.
Prospects for the practical application of research results are related to further filling the developed technologies with new elements, methods, and tools to meet the needs of consumers of social and psychological services.
Article Details
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