Psychological problems of measurement of regeneration of fascism, autoritarianism, and totalitarianism in society: toward synthetic scale construction

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Mykhailo Naydonov
Liubov Naydonova
Liubov Hryhorovska


Relevancy. The Russian-Ukrainian war intensified the need for a deep understanding of human psychology in a totalitarian society, sources and mechanisms of support for crimes committed by a terrorist state.

The purpose of the article is to analyze the international experience of the operationalization of concepts and tools for psychological measurement of the tendency to totalitarianism.

Methodology. The results of the cognitive analysis of semantic units in the questions used in the methods of measuring fascism-authoritarianism-totalitarianism (FAT) in various concepts (Altemeyer's right-wing authoritarianism, Pratt's social dominance, Mehrabyan's libertarianism, Megales' support for democracy, Silva's populism support) are presented.

Results. he historical persistence and contradictions in the use of the concept of totalitarianism through the prism of the group-reflexive approach are traced, and the proposal to consider the aggregate synthetic concept of the tendency to reproduce the common features of FAT is substantiated since at the psychological level the phenomena described by different terms have common social psychological prerequisites. An understanding of FAT as a media-psychological psy-phenomenon of mass consciousness is proposed. The fundamental shortcomings of using questionnaires and subjective scaling methods to assess the propensity to totalitarianism in connection with the characteristic state of consciousness of a person in a totalitarian and post-totalitarian society - double-mindedness - are outlined. Ways to overcome these limitations in measurement are analyzed based on the experience of constructing methods for measuring Petrovich's double-mindedness, Bruder's conspiratorial mentality, Cachioppo's cognitive needs, Frederick's cognitive reflection, Zavala's and Zhomoitei's collective narcissism, envy scales, Klisperova's need for satisfaction and others.

The practical significance of the obtained results is related to the prospect of developing the models for measuring the propensity to FAT are discussed, taking into account modern hybrid ideological forms of totalitarianism.


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How to Cite
Naydonov, M., Naydonova, L., & Hryhorovska, L. (2022). Psychological problems of measurement of regeneration of fascism, autoritarianism, and totalitarianism in society: toward synthetic scale construction. Problems of Political Psychology, 11(25), 99-125.
Author Biographies

Mykhailo Naydonov, Institute of Reflective Studies and Specializations (IRSS)

Dr. Sc. in Psychology, director of the Institute of Reflective Studies and Specializations (IRSS)

Liubov Naydonova, Institute for Social and Political Psychology, NAES of Ukraine

Dr. Sc. in Psychology, Corresponding Member of National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, Deputy Director in Scientific Work

Liubov Hryhorovska, Institute for Social and Political Psychology, NAES of Ukraine

Candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor, scientific secretary


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