Socio-psychological accompaniyng of trauma victims: european integration perspectives

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Tetiana Tytarenko


Urgency. The problem of socio-psychological accompanying the psychological well-being of Ukrainian citizens who find themselves in a traumatic situation due to a threat to their lives is becoming more acute in connection with full-scale military aggression by the Russian Federation.

The article aims to verify the conceptual foundations of the socio-psychological accompanying of victims in accordance with the European integration prospects of Ukraine.

These are the methods of accompanying facilitation of life construction, which contribute to reintegration into a peaceful society; optimized accompanying strategies that determine the landscape of life construction and activate the post-traumatic growth; factors of preservation and restoration of psychological well-being due to the electronic support of users, and applying socio-psychological support practices oriented to a large number of people. Within the framework of the developed and empirically verified conception of socio-psychological accompanying, its functional characteristics, direction vectors, and organization methods are defined.

Results. It is proposed a model of accompanying mediation of personal post-traumatic transformations, which includes factors of maintaining psychological well-being, targeted according to post-traumatic landscapes of life construction. The principles of discursive facilitation of post-traumatic growth are clarified. It is developed a poly modular approach to electronic support of psychological well-being in the system of socio-psychological accompanying of the individual, and the predictors of its effectiveness are determined. There are developed methods of personal transformation of veterans’ and volunteers’ orientation from a military to a peaceful way of life, taking into account the role of team building. It is clarified the task of the socio-psychological accompanying agents during the individual work with the loss, per the accompanying stages, the requests of recipients, and the resource base, which determines the methods of support and assistance. There are identified forms of socio-psychological accompanying for large groups of people as a way to optimize the identity of respondents.

Conclusions and prospects for further research: there should be developed standards and protocols of psychological services for different categories of the population and ways of improving the qualifications of practicing psychologists included in accompanying teams.


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How to Cite
Tytarenko, T. (2022). Socio-psychological accompaniyng of trauma victims: european integration perspectives. Problems of Political Psychology, 11(25), 7-23.
Author Biography

Tetiana Tytarenko, Institute for Social and Political Psychology, NAES of Ukraine

Doctor of Science in Psychology, Professor, Full Member of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, Chief researcher of Laboratory of Social Psychology of Personality


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