Psychology of personal choice in the conditions of european integration of Ukraine

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Illia Dyshlevyi


Relevance. In the context of the Russian-Ukrainian war, the issue of Ukraine’s European integration as a civilized choice of the Ukrainian political nation has grown.

The main tasks of the presented research are to reveal and analyze the breadth of the possibilities of personal choice of a person in Ukrainian society in the context of social processes of European integration of modern Ukraine; to perform a civilized dimension of the psychology of personal choice in the conditions of European integration; to distinguish the substantive relationship of the psychology of personal choice of a person and mental well-being of the population in general in the conditions of European integration.

The systematic approach as a methodology of research is applied. The paper is based on the structuralist approach, which is used in social and psychological science.

Results. It is shown that the psychology of personal choice of the Ukrainians gradually enters the civilization axis of the European community, which implies the formation and development of plastic identities and broad mentality; adequate, conscious, and well-considered personal choice of a person is possible under the condition of the developed system of psychological and psychotherapeutic assistance, which comply with high principles of professionalism and ethics. Problems of loneliness dissociation of people in modern information society cause mental problems, which affect the sense of the psychology of their personal choice. The research results can be used by heads of public administration bodies, commercial organizations, and management of non-governmental organizations for the improvement of cultural policy and corporate ethics, as well as the support of psychological and psychotherapeutic assistance systems in modern Ukraine.

Further research can be focused on building a comprehensive social and psychological approach to the contradictions between the institutional and self-organization levels of modern Ukrainian society from the point of view of the psychology of personal choice of the Ukrainians.

The practical significance of the presented scientific work is the use of its materials for the development of curricula of the disciplines in higher educational institutions for students who are preparing to become psychologists and social workers. The study also has practical significance for the state, commercial and non-commercial sectors of modern Ukrainian society.


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How to Cite
Dyshlevyi, I. (2022). Psychology of personal choice in the conditions of european integration of Ukraine. Problems of Political Psychology, 12(26), 251-265.
Author Biography

Illia Dyshlevyi, Institute for Social and Political Psychology, NAES of Ukraine

A Doctor of Philosofy in Sociology


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