Media psychology of war as the basis of conceptual transformations of media education: from media trauma to trauma-informed practices
Main Article Content
Relevance. War traumatization has become an everyday part of Ukrainian life, and the media space is changing accordingly. Therefore, media education aimed at ensuring a healthy developmental interaction with the media must be transformed too.
Purpose. The article aims to carry out a theoretical analysis of the world experience of understanding war and post-war societal problems in the sense of the cultural and information changes that cause the transformation of media education practice. The author proposes content blocks of media psychology of war, which should become new media educational trends for the next few years.
Methods and methodology. The work's primary emphasis is to counter media trauma and provide trauma-informed education.
Results. The author formulates the principles of ecological presentation of potentially traumatic information. Also, she defines the functions of health-preserving digital media education and proposes a new framework for wartime media literacy. On this basis, the program for improving the qualifications of educators in the media psychology of war is presented.
Conclusions and prospects. The presentation of the main ideas, design, and content theses, which direct the further transformation of media education during the country's martial law and post-war reconstruction, is a detailed strategic vision of changes in the system of interaction of social subsystems of education and media. It intersects with protecting information and national security and developing the human potential of the future. The scientific determination of PTSD must confront to oversimplification and metaphoric presentation of the problems of psycho-traumatization and the nation's mental health as a part of human potential. This determines the main directions of media-psychological transformation of media education in martial law. The topic of trauma awareness should acquire the most significant possible cultural and educational resonance during the war and post-war period.
Article Details
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