Political identification of regional youth communities as a factor of educational policy

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Iryna Zhadan


Relevance. An idea about the specifics of the political identification of regional communities makes it possible to determine resources and evaluate perspectives of the policies, including education policy; predict and anticipate probable zones of social tension; predict the dynamics of the development of value preferences of regional groups, etc.

The objective of the article is to define the theoretical foundations of the research of the political identity of regional youth communities as a factor in state education policy.

Methodology. An assumption is made regarding the shaping of the political identity of regional groups in the regional identity matrix, which, on the one hand, appears to be a factor of political identification, and on the other, a product of it. The development and implementation of policy in the field of identity is proposed to base on a combination of instrumentalist and constructivist approaches, according to which political identity is formed with the help of symbolic politics, mythmaking, image creation and promotion in the process of interpretation of discursive proposals, practices, symbols, etc.

Results. The indicators which will be taken into account in the research of political identification of youth have been determined: political autonomy/dependence (political trust, willingness to delegate one's right to political choice, desire to independently control one's own life, level of paternalism and need for authorities); inclusiveness/exclusivity of political identity (by region, country, interstate associations); nominality/reality of political identity (declared or practiced); values-senses basis of political identity (civic/ethnic/territorial/regional identities); political competence (the image of a region as a political actor that is formed at the everyday and professional levels; political senses and values of the regional community that confirm otherness; stereotypes of the response of the residents of the region to political contradictions, the intensity of these reactions and dominant emotions; the principles of interaction between the authorities and citizens, political conflict resolution practices).


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How to Cite
Zhadan, I. (2022). Political identification of regional youth communities as a factor of educational policy. Problems of Political Psychology, 12(26), 279-290. https://doi.org/10.33120/popp-Vol26-Year2022-111
Author Biography

Iryna Zhadan, Institute for Social and Political Psychology, NAES of Ukraine

PhD in Psychology, senior researcher, Chief Research Associate of the Laboratory for Psychology of Youth Political Behavior


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