“Interpretative communities" and their role in the demifologization of media space
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Relevance. With the deployment of media communication processes in the age of digital technologies, an urgent question arises the demythologization of the media space.
The aim of the study is to determine transformations which now take place at media communications and to show the role of the “interpretative communities" in the demifologization of media space.
Methodology. Within the sociopsychological approach and the use of theoretical concepts of systems analysis it is possible with the greatest consistency and completeness to implement one of the main functions of research - integrating, which combines numerous empirical data, theoretically comprehending them and giving them a systematic in-depth interpretation. Also relevant is the generative approach common in media psychology, which, along with multidisciplinary, accumulates the study of the functionality and situationality of meeting the information needs of modern audiences, which are gradually becoming "interpretive communities".
Results. Based on the general context of anthropological and sociocultural visions, which were traditional for the study of media communities in the focus of research on the mythologizing of the media space, it is proposed to consider current opportunities to deepen the subjectivity of media actors. This forms the tasks of the research, which consist both in understanding the transformations taking place in modern media communications and in analyzing the role of modern "interpretive communities" in the demythologization of the media space.
The conclusions of the study indicate that there is a re-emphasis on the attention of audiences from traditional media to the Internet environment, which has, of course, a social basis; however, from a psychological point of view, it reflects changes in the sense of social reality, assessments and social demands of the individual, which is a response to the challenges of modern processes of informatization and transformational changes in society. The prospect of demythologizing the perception of the content of the media space is formed, because the challenges of modern informatized and transformed society become the impetus for the subjective evaluation of information.
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