Usage of symbolic images as a mean of alternative and augmentative communication in children with severe speech disorders

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Marharyta Chaika
Hanna Usatenko


The article is aimed to describe a creation and usage of symbolic images, pictograms for evaluation of communicative development and for assistance in social interaction. The method was developed as a part of a socio-psychological formative experiment of implementation of pictograms into the daily communication of children with severe speech impairments. Symbolic images in a research were used as a mean of alternative and augmentative communication (AAC).

Research tasks were to choose words and symbolic pictures, discourse of a vocabulary, images description, creation of a method of a step-by-step introduction of AAC signs and an algorithm of communication diagnostics. A choice of images as an AAC mean grounded upon their visuality, accessibility and age suitability for children.

40 children of preschool and primary school age with speech disabilities took part in the research. 11 speech therapists were involved in the experiment as research assistants.

Limitations of the research are in a short term of an experiment, two month for observation of changes in communication due to AAC usage. Further investigation of assistive technologies can be aimed at longitude studies of communicative development. Also important is exploration of impact of different AAC tools to communication skills: pictograms, gestures, their mixes, digital instruments etc.

Conclusions: children with speech impairments perceive developed stimulus material and use it in communication with specialists and parents. A method is created with a high level of ecological validity to be a tool for diagnostics of communication skills and for a correctional training.

The practical significance of the article is in description of an independent instrument for diagnostics and development of communication sphere and could be used in practice of special educators, speech and language pathologists, tutors and assistants etc. in cases of different nosologies that are accompanied with speech and communication disorders.

The socio-political consequences are in support of the implementation of Ukraine state’s commitment as a party of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities to ensure communication in alternative ways. Paying attention to needs of children with disabilities and rising communicative competence of learners contribute to the barrier-free educational and public space.

The work was carried out within the project «Online Education on Assistive Technologies from “DyvoGra” with the support of the European Union under the program «House of Europe».


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How to Cite
Chaika, M., & Usatenko, H. (2022). Usage of symbolic images as a mean of alternative and augmentative communication in children with severe speech disorders. Problems of Political Psychology, 12(26), 305-324.
Author Biographies

Marharyta Chaika, National Pedagogical Dragomanov University

PhD student of the Department of Psychocorrection Pedagogy and Rehabilitation Faculty of Special and Inclusive Education

Hanna Usatenko, Institute for Social and Political Psychology, NAES of Ukraine

PhD student, Laboratory political-social relationships


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