Methodological bases of psychological contribution to social forecasting
Main Article Content
The purpose of the article is to substantiate the methodological bases of the psychological contribution to social forecasting as a scientific-theoretical and subject-practical activity.
Methodology and scientific approaches. The design of theoretical and methodological argumentation provides for the clarification and coordination of the main methodological postulates of social analysis, in their connection with social forecasting and social psychology, and with an emphasis on the prognostic possibilities and limitations of the social psychology.
Main results. The levels of social / socio-psychological analysis were analyzed and agreed upon, which makes it possible to determine the scale of the predicted phenomena and processes. The methodological principles of both general scientific and special levels are specified in their connection with the structural and semantic construction of social analysis, which sets an analytical framework for formulating a two-level system of methodological principles of psychological support for social forecasting. The generalization of socio-psychological approaches and theoretical models with approaches to the futures research formed the basis for establishing integrative links between social forecasting and socio-psychological science. A number of promising directions for the use of socio-psychological approaches for the development of prognostic strategies and technologies for the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine are proposed. This demonstrates the possibility of transition from theoretical to practical socio-psychological support of social forecasting.
Conclusions and prospects for further research. The main meaning of the raised professional discussion around the problem of the psychological contribution to social forecasting, as well as the issues of forecasting social phenomena and processes under a specific - socio-psychological - point of view and with the help of specific - socio-psychological - is that the active intervention of socio-psychological approaches in social forecasting is the only way to ensure that knowledge about the internal (mental) content of social phenomena and processes, about the patterns of their course and development become a real basis for adequate socio-psychological forecasts and effective practical recommendations.
Article Details
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