A model of mutual understanding in parent-child relationships: educational context
Main Article Content
Introduction. Parents of students strive for their children to achieve educational achievements and, accordingly, use different parenting styles. Communication styles of parents with children, including regarding children's education, have been recorded in scientific studies as parenting styles. Mutual understanding is characterized as consistency and achievement of educational achievements, taking into account the views, positions, capabilities of each other and understanding the other as a person with his needs, interests, attitudes, experiences, achievements and defeats. Mutual understanding is based on empathy, which implies emotional literacy of parents - analysis and understanding of emotions.
The purpose of the scientific research: to highlight the logic of the interpretation of the author's model of mutual understanding between parents and children. Methodology: to achieve the goal of the article, a number of methods of scientific knowledge were used, namely: analysis of scientific literature, induction, deduction, synthesis, generalization, comparison.
The results. The basis of the author's model is parenthood - an integral category that denotes the involvement of the mother and father in the process of raising a child, their implementation of parental functions: educational, socio-economic, caring, communicative, recreational, psychological protection, etc. In the model, the middle sector is based on the ecological nature of the process of mutual understanding and is based on taking into account views, interests, attitudes, needs, and experiences at the empathic level. In the situation of actualization of specific educational tasks, such as DPA, external examination, obtaining a certificate, mutual understanding is based on everyone's position.
Conclusions.It is obvious that in a situation of interrupted relations between parents and a child, mutual understanding is achieved due to situational factors, which are key for the further development of events. Children in such a situation learn to understand their parents' situations and use them for their own benefit. In the situation of impossibility to prejudge the behavior of parents, the behavior of children becomes reactive and manifests itself in protest actions, passivity, non-inclusion in educational protest. In this sector, understanding is achieved on the basis of taking into account situational factors and is characterized by a certain moment and there are no indicators of stability, as we observed in the middle and right sector.
Article Details
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