Types of community identities: problems of transformation and interaction in the conditions of war
Main Article Content
The urgency of the problem. The recent challenges arising from Russia's large-scale aggression against Ukraine necessitate the research on the issue of identity and the social-psychological reflection on the transformation of collective identities and their interaction in these conditions.
The purpose of the paper. Based on the analysis of domestic and international research on the issue of identity and its types, this article aims to substantiate the theoretical foundations for studying the transformation and interaction of different types of collective identities in time of war.
Methodology: The theoretical foundations for studying the interaction of collective identities and their transformation in the context of interstate military-political confrontation are determined through the general theoretical methods of analysis, systematization, generalization, and interpretation of various scientific approaches and empirical results. These include the understanding that identity is a prism through which important features of contemporary life are examined, evaluated, and studied; identity is a process, a condition of being or becoming that is constantly updated, affirmed, or modified at both individual and collective levels; the heterogeneity or "multiplicity" of contemporary identities is an intrinsic and fundamental characteristic of identity; and different identities can complement or conflict with each other depending on the context.
Research results. The carried-out analysis of the problem of identity, transformation, and interrelation of different types of identities in the conditions of war, there have been grounds for identifying social-psychological and political-psychological aspects of studying community identities of Ukrainian population in the conditions of war. This is because they are simultaneously associated with trauma and reevaluation, transformation of identities as a result of war. Since the subject of our research is the interaction of community identities in the conditions of war, we consider it appropriate to include in the general list of identification coordinates those types of community identities that may compete or coexist harmoniously with each other.
Prospects for the practical application of research results. The focus of attention will be directed to the study of European, ethnic, ethno-linguistic, civic, regional, territorial, local etc. identities and the identification of social-psychological effects of the interaction of community identities
Article Details
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