Emergency preparedness: creating a safe environment

Main Article Content

Vitalii Dukhnevych


Urgency. The relevance of the study is determined by the lack of psychological works that relates to the support of formation and functioning of safe environment to live. The article describes the features of psychological assistance for processes of formation of people’s readiness for emergency situations.

The purpose of the article is to present developments of the laboratory of psychology of political and legal relations that helps to create a safe environment.

Results. The main idea is to prove the need for development and implementation of technologies and methods of formation of safe environment to live. It also proves the importance to include different specialists in solving these problems. The formation of safe environment to live requires development of regulatory documents in order to provide permanent psychological assistance. This process consists of four components: 1) motivation, 2) people training and team formation, 3) organization of interaction among participants and organization of an emergency information system, 4) fixation, storage and transmission of information about affected people. The article gives recommendations on how to develop a motivational menu for people who can participate in the aftermath of an emergency. The formation of target teams based on the principles of psychological first aid is described in detail. It is argued that the achievements of the laboratory of psychology of political and legal relations of the ISPP NAES can be used in order to form the system of training for professionals. The authors present a three-level system of psychological first aid, the "Six Steps to Safety" technology, and the technology for developing people' readiness for constructive behavior in an emergency. Pool of questions that can be used for assessing readiness for communication are proposed. A list of tools (protocols, forms, methods) for recording, storing and transmitting information about victims is also presented. Modification of Self-assessment Scale of Psychophysiological State (O. Kokun) is described. It is argued that the process of forming a safe environment to live is continued even after a certain result. It is concluded that ensuring security is continuous process of responding rapidly to new challenges, searching for new opportunities, resources, ideas and rules.


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Article Details

How to Cite
Dukhnevych, V. (2023). Emergency preparedness: creating a safe environment. Problems of Political Psychology, 13(27), 77-85. https://doi.org/10.33120/popp-Vol13-Year2023-128
Author Biography

Vitalii Dukhnevych, Institute for Social and Political Psychology of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine

Ph. D. in Psychology, Senior Researcher, Head of the Laboratory of Psychology of Politico-Legal Relationships


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