Regional features of national identification in youth's ideas about the future: research program
Main Article Content
The relevance of the study is caused by the need to identify regional features of national identification, which are reflected in young people's ideas about the future during wartime. Developing the national identity of pupils and students is a separate area of state educational policy in Ukraine.
The aim of the article is to highlight the conceptual foundations and the program of research of regional features of national identification in young people's ideas about the future.
The results. National identification is defined as the awareness of belonging to a political nation. Indicators of national identity in the images of the future of youth are defined (perception of national and cultural symbols; awareness of belonging to the state; feelings related to awareness of belonging to the Ukrainian political nation; common values and expectations regarding the future; attitude to language; perception of the territorial boundaries of the state ; understanding of history; geopolitical direction; understanding of national unity). The parameters for evaluating the image of the future of youth are determined: idealistic-realistic; subject-externally dependent; essential- skin-deep; stereotypical-creative; individual-collective; eclectic-holistic. The program of empirical research on the national identification of youth in the design of the future includes 3 consecutive stages, using the following methods: in-depth interviews, the collage method, psychosemantic methods, methods of mathematical statistics, storytelling, scenario methods.
Prospects for further research consist in the study of regional features of the national identification of youth in projecting the future and determining possible directions for the development of state educational policy in the context of European integration.
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