Methodological limitations of forecasting the economic behavior of Ukrainians

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Oleksandr Malkhazov


Relevance. In the conditions of full-scale Russian aggression, citizens of Ukraine strive to adapt to new realities and look for models of socioeconomic behavior that would ensure survival and development.

The article aims to justify the methodological foundations of socio-psychological forecasting of the economic behavior of Ukrainians.

Results. It was discovered that the development of effective forecasts is complicated by a) the diversity of methodological approaches and classification models of economic behavior, b) the low validity of empirical research results based on various criteria models; and c) the multi-vector determination of economic behavior. A working definition of economic behavior is suggested as a set of choices regarding economic goals and ways of achieving them based on the worldviews and attitudes of individuals (groups, communities). Socio-psychological factors of economic behavior are defined the ones that are subject to empirical measurement: motivational (motives for making economic decisions, the level of awareness of one's interests and opportunities, the existing experience of implementing economic decisions and achieving goals); attitudinal (tolerance to corruption, attitude to money, law-abiding); competencies-related (the degree of economic awareness, the ability to: plan the economic future and steps to achieve it, make economic decisions in conditions of uncertainty, predict the consequences of one's decisions; readiness to change in order to improve one's economic well-being); reflective (identification of oneself as a participant in economic interaction, practice of analyzing the causes of one's failures and gains, assessing one's potential for making economic decisions). The stages of socio-psychological forecasting and the methods that should be used at each stage are defined. 

Conclusion and prospects for further research. One can build the prognostic scenarios based on a criterion model of factors of economic behavior and the determination of necessary and sufficient indicators.


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How to Cite
Malkhazov, O. (2023). Methodological limitations of forecasting the economic behavior of Ukrainians. Problems of Political Psychology, 14(28), 24-35.
Author Biography

Oleksandr Malkhazov, Institute for Social and Political Psychology of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine

Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor, Chief researcher of the Department of Methodology of Psychosocial and Political Psychological Research


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