Assessment of the social and psychological well-being of the student by participant of the educational process

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Olena Dziubenko


Relevance. Attention has been focused on the necessity of supporting the socio and psychological well-being of students within the "family-school" interaction system. The effectiveness of interactions among students, their parents, and teachers is determined by the extent to which their perceptions of the child's well-being at school align, and how similarly they assess its provision under current educational conditions. This aspect of the problem is examined in the presented work as a result of scientific research on the assessment of students' socio and psychological well-being by the participants of the educational process.

Objective. To highlight the results of the theoretical study of the socio and psychological well-being of students as a phenomenon and the empirical research assessing its provision by the participants of the educational process under current educational conditions.

Methodology. From May to October 2023, 993 participants in the educational process took part in an online survey using a Google form. Students, their parents, and teachers were asked to evaluate the socio-psychological well-being of students on a 10-point scale based on indicators identified during the theoretical stage of the research. Methods of mathematical statistics were used to process the empirical data. Non-parametric tests, including the Kruskal-Wallis H-test and Dunn's post hoc test, were applied, and the standardized effect size was determined.

Results. It has been found that teachers assess the socio and psychological well-being of students significantly higher than the students themselves and their parents do. Specifically, teachers rate higher in terms of students' personal development potential and their success in social interactions within the school environment. The most pronounced differences in assessment among the educational process participants were identified regarding students' sense of trust in their interactions with teachers, the presence of mutual respect and absence of discrimination in the school social environment, and the development of students' abilities for self-acceptance, resilience, optimism, and self-realization.

Conclusions and Future Research Perspectives. The identified differences in the assessment of the socio and psychological well-being of students by participants in the educational process highlight the aspects of support that require regulation and optimization in their collaborative interaction. The research results can be valuable to the scientific community for expanding research interests in studying student well-being as a socio and psychological phenomenon, and to educational process participants interested in enhancing it within school settings. Furthermore, the study results support the implementation of educational reforms based on the Concept of the «New Ukrainian School», particularly in defining the direction of collaborative interaction among educational process participants.


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How to Cite
Dziubenko, O. (2024). Assessment of the social and psychological well-being of the student by participant of the educational process. Problems of Political Psychology, 15(29), 151-164.
Author Biography

Olena Dziubenko, Institute of Social and Political Psychology of National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine

Candidate of sciences (Ph.D), senior researcher of Laboratory of the Psychology of Communication


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