Social cohesion of society: theory and practice

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Nataliia Dovgan


The study aims to determine the main elements of social cohesion, which mediate unity in society.

Methodology. Meta-analysis of theoretical and political sources was used to specify the theoretical content and features of practical application in the scientific and political plane of the concept of social cohesion.

The results. Strategies for introducing the scientific concept of social cohesion into the political plane of modern Europe are considered. The development of the idea of social cohesion in the political discourse of Ukraine is described by the territorial and national features of the state and the current challenges of today. Despite the variability of the constructs of the studied concept, we found coincidences regarding its dimensions and critical elements in the political discourse of the Council of Europe, the European Union, the World Bank, and the basic theoretical concepts of the academic discourse. We also found that social cohesion is considered mainly in three aspects of the unity of societies: cultural-territorial, state-administrative, and social capital; elements of dimensions of social cohesion can be classified according to the characteristics of relations in society, the nature of manifestation, spheres of activity, location in space, the nature of relations and interactions.

Conclusions. The formation of unification strategies and introduction of the idea of cohesion into the politics of modern Europe are implemented by political mega-actors and macro-actors to increase the resilience of societies to social conflicts. Quality of life, both in academic and political discourse, is not considered an indicator of the social cohesion of society, while the goal of cohesion policy is to improve well-being - to provide rights and equal opportunities to citizens.

The research's prospects consist in the empirical study of the problem of social cohesion, which will undoubtedly contribute to conceptual clarity regarding the meaningfulness of the phenomenon under study, the (dis)integration processes raging in society, and the prospects and consequences of cohesion.


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How to Cite
Dovgan, N. (2024). Social cohesion of society: theory and practice. Problems of Political Psychology, 15(29), 30-49.
Author Biography

Nataliia Dovgan, Institute of Social and Political Psychology of National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine

DSc. in Psychological Sciences, Head of Department of Psychology of Political and Legal Relations


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