The concept of digital media education: justification of the need for change in the conditions of a long war

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Lyubov Naydonova
Mykhaylo Naydonov


Relevance. The obvious existence of an information war and a hot war sets clearer goals for countering hostile informational influences. The full-scale invasion highlights the long history of hybrid information interventions, but sometimes masks the hybrid nature of the bloody war. Constant informational and psychological operations, disinformation and propaganda, require citizens to have special skills of conscious interaction with the media space, understanding of the laws of the functioning of the media system, media effects of influence and means of resistance. This is a special challenge to the education system, which should prepare knowledge seekers for effective interaction with the media space changed by the war. Global and European integration perspectives, primarily in the field of digital transformation of life, also demand an adequate response from media education.

Purpose. The purpose of the article is to analyze the state of European and Ukrainian media education in the context of war and digitization to substantiate the new concept of digital media education (DME).

Methods and methodology. An overview of the most influential initiatives for the development and diagnosis of media literacy is presented, and the main deficient areas are identified.

Results. Concepts of digital literacy in European and Ukrainian official documents were analyzed, specific and common contents, areas of contradiction were revealed.

Conclusions and prospects. Conceptual ways of integrating media literacy social movement in Ukraine and digital literacy movement to achieve a synergistic effect are proposed. The integrative model of digital media education is presented, which includes three main environmental contexts (worldview, security and economic), personal contexts of psychological development (motivational-volitional, socio-emotional and reflexive-thinking), 6 DME thematic blocks are separated for two vectors - infomedia and digital. Future discussion is needed.


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How to Cite
Naydonova, L., & Naydonov, M. (2024). The concept of digital media education: justification of the need for change in the conditions of a long war. Problems of Political Psychology, 15(29), 96-135.
Author Biographies

Lyubov Naydonova, Institute of Social and Political Psychology of National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine

Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Senior Researcher, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Deputy Director for Scientific Work at the Institute for Social and Political Psychology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Professor at the Institute of Psychology of the Polish Academy of Sciences.

Mykhaylo Naydonov, State University of Infrastructure and Technologies

Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Senior Researcher, Professor of the Department of Psychology and Socio-Humanitarian Disciplines at the State University of Infrastructure and Technologies.

Director of the Institute of Reflective Investigations and Specialization IRIS.


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