Peculiarities of patriotism manifestation in the context of digitalization of society, education and information warfare

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Nataliia Cherepovska


Relevance of research. Digitization of society, education, and the Russian-Ukrainian war contributed to the fact that patriotism, like many other spiritual and moral practices of a person, was partially transformed into the patriotic activity of users in cyberspace. The manifestation of patriotism in social networks sometimes constitutes a particular social, media-psychological problem, such as inadequate understanding of provocative content and inability to create high-quality, original patriotic media content, etc.

The article aims to develop a media-psychological model of leading strategies for the optimal patriotic activity of young people in social networks.

Methodology. We are carrying out a theoretical analysis of sources that highlight the topic of patriotism in the conditions of digitalization of society and education. The article is an overview and is based on the analysis and generalization of regulatory and legal documents on national-patriotic education, theoretical developments aimed at researching the digitalization of Ukrainian society and education, and practical developments that highlight the experience of educators in the field of developing national and patriotic education with the help of ICT and others.

Results. The author creates a media-psychological model of developing a constructive manifestation of patriotism in cyberspace. The model offers two main directions for the development of patriotism in cyberspace: 1) the strategy of media literacy as the formation of cognitive and practical skills to counteract propagandistic media digital content; 2) the strategy of media creativity as the development of self-motivation for the purposeful promotion of Ukrainian values ​​in the format of existing media digital content, as well as the creation of one`s own, original content of pro-Ukrainian, patriotic content.

Prospects for the study of the mentioned topic consist of modeling and verifying the patriotic component in cyberspace in the context of digital humanism, determining ethical criteria for verbal and visual digital content, conducting qualitative analysis, and identifying ethical/unethical trends of patriotic content in the Ukrainian segment of cyberspace.


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How to Cite
Cherepovska, N. (2024). Peculiarities of patriotism manifestation in the context of digitalization of society, education and information warfare. Problems of Political Psychology, 15(29), 50-72.
Author Biography

Nataliia Cherepovska, Institute of Social and Political Psychology of National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine

Ph.D. in Psychology, Head of the Department of Psychology of Mass Communication and Media Education


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