Ukrainian scale of daily war-related stressors: questionnaire design

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Serhii Bialonovych


The topicality of the research was determined by the full-scale war in Ukraine that had caused quantitative and qualitative changes in the features of the daily stressors. The long-term influence of daily stress leads to the deterioration of mental health. To efficiently prevent and overcome the consequences of the stressful impacts it is necessary to design the measuring instruments for the daily war-related stress. The current absence of such instruments determines the importance of developing the “Ukrainian scale of the daily war-related stressors”.

The article aims to present the process of the development of the questionnaire and primary psychometrical indicators of its reliability and validity.

Methodology: the representativeness of the sampling of the content of the questionnaire has been provided via the content analysis of the primary data and expertise method. The reliability of the consolidation, variation, discriminability, structural, and criteria validity have been verified with the methods of mathematical statistics.

Results: the questionnaire “Ukrainian Scale of the Daily War-Related Stressors” consists of 34 items and comprises two scales, “direct stressors” and “indirect stressors.” The participants of the pilot research were 43 respondents aged from 20 to 75 years old. The reliability as consistency has been measured with Cronbach’s-α coefficient and Guttmann's split-half coefficient. The following results have been obtained: for the direct stressors scale (α=0,841); in case of exclusion of point from (α=0,807) to (α=0,846), Guttmann’s coefficient constituted 0.78; for the indirect stressors scale: (α=0,894); in case of exclusion of the point from (α=0,884) to (α=0,9), the Cuttmann’s coefficient constituted (α=0,883). The discriminability index for the direct stressors scale is (δ=0,468) and for the indirect stressors scale is (δ=0,601). The Spearman rank correlation between the direct stressors scale and PSS-10 (ρ=0,323; p˂0,005) and indirect stressors scale and PSS-10 (ρ=0,366; p˂0,005).

Conclusions: the results of the primary examination of the questionnaire provide us with reasons to conclude that the scales of the questionnaire are reliable and valid. It is thus necessary to continue efforts aimed at the determination of the testing norms and examination of the other psychometrical indicators.

Practical value: the questionnaire may be used in scientific and applied psychological activity, in the field of mental health specifically as the diagnostic instrument, in the fields of social and political psychology as the screening instrument for the level of stress “radiation” of the population, etc.


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How to Cite
Bialonovych, S. (2024). Ukrainian scale of daily war-related stressors: questionnaire design. Problems of Political Psychology, 15(29), 178-192.
Author Biography

Serhii Bialonovych, Institute of Social and Political Psychology of National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine

Ph.D. Student at the Department of the Psychology of the Political-Legal Relations.


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