Historical-cultural picture of the world and historical trauma of ukrainians

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Pavlo Gornostai


The relevance of the research lies in the importance of restoring the authentic Ukrainian history in the European context, rehabilitation of the destroyed historical-cultural picture of the world of Ukrainians, in order to make it an asset of historical memory and national identity.

The purpose of the article is to substantiate the concept of the historical-cultural picture of the world; clarifying the connections of historical and cultural identities with the genesis of historical and cultural traumas of Ukrainians; outlining possible ways of healing from the consequences of this type of collective trauma.

Methodology and scientific approaches. The work uses a historical-psychological and political-psychological analysis of sources containing the historical experience of collective traumas; at least a thousand-year period of the history of Ukraine and other nations was covered.

The results. The historical-cultural picture of the world is a system of individual and collective established ideas, myths, plots of artistic works and other products of the psyche in relation to history as a whole, with an emphasis on the hierarchical system of cultural history. In Ukraine, due to relations with Muscovy, Ukrainian history and culture were appropriated, language was suppressed. Due to Ukraine's relations with Muscovy, the appropriation of Ukrainian history and culture, oppression of the language took place. As a result, the historical-cultural picture of the world of Ukrainians was significantly deformed, which is a special and practically unexplored historical trauma. Its consequences are the destruction of historical memory, historical and cultural identities, partial historical amnesia of Ukrainians, and formation of a national inferiority complex. This historical context had a certain influence on the Russian-Ukrainian war. Ukraine's historical traumas was could become traumas incompatible with life with the risk of its disappearance as a historical subject - the loss of national identity and historical memory. The work describes the characteristics of Russian and Ukrainian historical pictures of the world, their significance for history and the present.

Practical significance, conclusions and perspectives. The restored historical-cultural picture of the world will contribute to the establishment of Ukraine in the sense field of democratic civilization and will deprive Russia's aggression of its main sense, which will help to finally defeat it in the information war. At the society level, this will create a favorable socio-psychological atmosphere in which the therapy of the collective traumas consequences will become possible. Prospects for further research consist in the development of a socio-psychological concept of the historical-cultural picture of the world and the methods of its formation.


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How to Cite
Gornostai, P. (2024). Historical-cultural picture of the world and historical trauma of ukrainians. Problems of Political Psychology, 15(29), 7-29. https://doi.org/10.33120/popp-Vol15-Year2024-157
Author Biography

Pavlo Gornostai, Institute of Social and Political Psychology of National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine

Psychology Doctor, Professor, Chief Research Associate at the Department of Psychology of Small Groups and Intergroup Relations


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