Social solidarity in the context of searching ways to achieve and preserve the integrity of society: interdisciplinary analysis
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The relevance of scientific researchis determined by the need to deepen socio-psychological ideas about social solidarity, its structuring and features of functioning in conditions of continuous differentiation, disintegration and conflict and finding ways to achieve and preserve the integrity of society.
The purpose of the research is to study the structuring of social solidarity with an emphasis on modern approaches and prospects for its development within social psychology in the context of deepening social differentiation and transformational changes in Ukrainian society.
Methodology and scientific approaches: metatheoretical concept of dialogical form of solidarity (Habermas, 2000); provisions of the theory of social comparison, according to which the formation of large social groups is the basis of identification as an assessment by their members of the accuracy of their personal beliefs and views (Festinger, 1999); provisions on social transformations, which act as a «cross-cutting framework of analysis» (Bogomolova, 2002); provisions on the total individualization of life, the formation of a reflective subject (Beck, 2000); defining communities as personal networks that are no longer limited to geographical areas and have the ability to provide various types of support that are manifestations of solidarity (Wellman, & Wortley, 1990).
The main results. It is determined that social solidarity is a specific property of society that arises spontaneously or managed on the basis of integration of personal potentials of solidarity of the majority of its members, due to which there is a convergence of social processes on a common goal and cohesion at large groups. It is established that solidarity as a cohesion of large groups enables effective problem solving and achievement of sustainable development goals; that there is a need for a new look at the concepts and mechanisms of solidarity is due to the fact that many phenomena of modern solidarity processes today can not be explained solely on the basis of classical theories of solidarity.It is generally accepted that the concept of «new solidarity» is lost, which loses territorial, class involvement, ceases to reproduce the constant commonality of interests and values.
Conclusions. Psychological structuring of social solidarity makes it possible to distinguish its features on different social dimensions. Emphasis on social interaction, communication, the role of trust, social responsibility and tolerance in the processes of solidarity reveals the specifics of the multi-vector plane of achieving and maintaining social solidarity. The individual forms his conscious attitude to certain prospects of social life, the psychological center of which is the «personal potential of solidarity."Solidarity as a cohesion of large social groups is achieved through mechanisms such as the experience of participation, the polylogue of communities, upward and downward initiatives and the dynamic balance of processes of competition and cooperation of communities.
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