This collection of articles present findings of the research on psychological aspects of current social and political situation in the country, and in particular such issues as national consolidation, development of civil society, European integration and democratization, the social processes that are taking place under the foreign military aggression against Ukraine. The psychological factors of development and display of citizenship identity, political and legal competence, patriotic sentiments and value dimensions of political awareness of Ukrainians are under analysis. The outcomes of studying of politically significant social phenomena (individualism and collectivism, social well-being, etc.) are presented. The authors have made a number of scientific generalizations of empirical studies which unfold the dynamics and the potential of the development of youth political awareness – awareness of the generation that grew up and shaped under formation of the independent Ukraine. Considerable attention is paid to the analysis of the media context of political processes and phenomena, Internet communication, psychological ways of resistance to manipulative media technologies.
The publication is intended for the scientists who work in the field of political psychology and allied sciences, lecturers and students.
Published: 2017-09-15