«СIT-SER» as a social-psychological technology for ensuring support for educational reform

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Liudmyla Grytsenok


Relevance. Issues of the effectiveness of educational reform largely depend on public support for introduced innovations. Survey data indicate controversial attitudes towards individual provisions of the general secondary education reform "New Ukrainian School – NUSH". Public opinion is still far from support, by which we understand not only commitment, but also active and effective involvement in reform processes. So the development of social and psychological technology as a tool for providing such support is considered relevant.

The purpose of the article is to present the complex social and psychological technology (CSPT) "CIT-SER" (Complex Interactive Technology for the Support of Education Reform) developed and tested by us in 2020-2021 as a potentially universal tool for ensuring support for systemic reforms by participants in the process, which is subject to such reformation.

Methods and methodology. The CSPT model was built by us on the basis of a theoretical study of the possibilities and limitations of the technological approach in regulating social processes. Time frames were determined on the basis of psychological characteristics of the formation of an effective attitude, taking into account stages and typology of the adoption of innovations. In order to ensure the constructiveness of interaction of subjects of the educational process, we relied on signs of a dialogue SPT. The CIT-SER model meets all the basic requirements for social-psychological technologies, including the presence of an algorithm, reproducibility in changing conditions by non-specialists, and controllability of results.

Results. A tested model of implementation of complex interactive technology is presented, which, according to its content and nature of implementation, contributes to the conscious mastering of content and main tasks and positions of the "Reform of General Secondary Education "NUSH". It ensures the development of its own proactive position regarding educational changes of participants of educational process: teaching staff — providers of educational services, students — recipients of educational services — and their parents — actually the customers of these services and stakeholders of education.

Prospects of further practical application. In addition to the direct purpose, built-in opportunities to adapt the technology based on formulated principles and "structural" requirements and to scale its deployment from an intra-group to a school-wide, regional or national level make it possible to use the "CIT-SER" CSPT algorithm to form a proactive positive public opinion about other social-psychological processes.


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How to Cite
Grytsenok, L. (2022). «СIT-SER» as a social-psychological technology for ensuring support for educational reform. Problems of Political Psychology, 12(26), 227-250. https://doi.org/10.33120/popp-Vol26-Year2022-101
Author Biography

Liudmyla Grytsenok, Institute for Social and Political Psychology, NAES of Ukraine

Research Associate of the Laboratory of Psychology of Communication


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