Analysis of child psychological well-being indicators in regulatory and legal documents

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Dmytro Larin


Relevance. Educational reform The new Ukrainian school has placed the issue of student welfare at the core of all educational policy. This requires the transfer of the original provisions of the educational reform to the current normative legal acts, as those that direct the implementation of the child's psychological well-being at school.

The purpose of the article is to determine the degree of representation of the characteristics of the child's psychological well-being in normative and regulatory documents of the education system.

The task: to define the concept of psychological well-being in psychological literature and to analyze their representation in normative and legal documents.

The methodological basis of the study was the general provisions of the theory of cognition, and the content analysis of the texts of regulatory documents served as the method.

Results The article carries out a theoretical analysis of the concept of "psychological well-being" as an indicator of life satisfaction in a normative and psychological context. Psychological well-being takes into account the system of rules that regulate relationships in the "student-teacher" system, the violation of which leads to psychological discomfort and forms deficient motivation (motivation to avoid failure). We can predict that the desire to protect the child and protect him from all kinds of troubles can be embodied not in a proficitarian form, but in a deficient form, as one that prejudices, does not allow and forbids certain risky actions. It has been established that regulatory documents are not guided by the concept of "welfare" and prefer other terms, currently, the term comprehensive development of the child. The novelty of the article is that it raises the issue of regulating the activities of participants in the educational process in order to ensure comfortable interaction with a focus on the profiteering approach. The author of the article considered the definition of psychological well-being in the legal field, taking into account the physical development of the personality of the schoolboy. Therefore, there is a need to move from a deficit to a surplus approach to decisions and build a safe environment, as a condition for a sense of psychological comfort and the adequacy of the perception of educational.

Conclusions. In our opinion, the term "psychological well-being", which captures the child's well-being, should be introduced into the background of legislative acts as more appropriate to the concept of the New Ukrainian School.


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How to Cite
Larin, D. (2023). Analysis of child psychological well-being indicators in regulatory and legal documents. Problems of Political Psychology, 14(28), 147-162.
Author Biography

Dmytro Larin, Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University

Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology, head of the general psychology educational Department named after Prof. G. I. Chelpanova


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