Ethno-political agents’ guilts in ukrainian students’ assessments

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Vadym Vasiutynskyi


Introduction. An aggravation of political events as a result of Russian military aggression actualized the problem of experiencing and perceiving the guilt of various participants in social processes.

Aim. The study examines assessments by Ukrainian students of degree of mutual guilt of various ethno-political agents during and because of their interaction.

Methodology. Relevant indicators were obtained using the semantic differential. The results of comparing the data of two surveys are described: 582 people in 2019 and 2055 people in 2022.

Results. The content and course of current military-political processes have the greatest influence on the evaluations of ethno-political agents that occupy significant places in Ukrainians' minds. The evaluated agents split into two groups: those who were or appeared to be involved in Russian military aggression (the Russian government headed by Putin, Russians, Belarusians, Russian-speaking citizens of Ukraine), and those who supported Ukraine to varying degrees. The guilt of the Russian government led by Putin were rated highly in 2019, but even higher in 2022. In absolute terms, accusations against the Russians increased the most: illusions about the difference between the positions of the Russian government and the Russian people decreased. The assessments of Belarusians had changed from neutral in 2019 to negative in 2022. Accusations against Russian-speaking citizens of Ukraine had somewhat intensified. Instead, the accusatory tendencies towards Poles and Jews weakened significantly. The differences between the scores of respondents from different regions showed a lower willingness of students from the South-Eastern regions to blame agents who gravitated towards the Russian political space. However, incriminating content prevailed in their evaluations as well.

Conclusions. Ggeneralizations of the results gave reason to talk about: the existence of an all-Ukrainian space of accusations against Russian and pro-Russian agents of current military and political processes; the ongoing polarization of assessments of the ethno-political agents' faults with their shift towards the pro-Ukrainian/anti-Russian pole; collective attraction in relation to ethno-political agents that supported Ukraine.


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How to Cite
Vasiutynskyi, V. (2022). Ethno-political agents’ guilts in ukrainian students’ assessments. Problems of Political Psychology, 12(26), 216-226.
Author Biography

Vadym Vasiutynskyi, Institute for Social and Political Psychology, NAES of Ukraine

Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor


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