Through the dimension of identity, such aspects of socio-political reality as environmental consciousness, social resilience, the success of educational policy, and security policy are studied. Social and psychological determinants of totalitarianism formation, problems of personal choice of a citizen in the conditions of European integration of Ukraine, peculiarities of attribution of guilt to different subjects of the political process are discussed. The methodological and methodological principles of media education transformation towards the application of trauma-informed practices and demythologization of media space are presented. The authors pay special attention to the role of a healthy lifestyle in the protection and restoration of the psychological well-being of citizens during the war, to the issues of risk and safety in the professional activities of extreme professionals. A number of problems of educational activities during the war are actualized, in particular the creation of a safe educational environment. The technology of providing support for the educational reform "KIT-PRO", the method of using symbolic images as a means of alternative and additional communication in children with severe speech disorders is presented.


It is addressed to scientists working in the field of political psychology and related sciences, teachers and students.




Published: 2022-12-30